Exodus, Goblet W9 , P43

Sundays 5:30pm PST +

Ehva's Emporium

Welcome to the Bar side of the Golden Banana. Need to cool your head after all the gambling? Wanna just chill with great Bar staff? This is the Place! Take a look at our Menu and enjoy your Stay.

Blackjack Rules:
• Dealer will roll /Dice 13 for each player in order from left of dealer side.
• 1 is either 1 or 11 and must be decided at that moment. Easier to keep track of.• (11) (12) (13) is considered 10. Dealers Must stay in the Value of 17 or higher.• You must trade gil with dealers before each round.• If players bust before dealer they auto lose.• If players get a 21 on the first set of rolls they win a x2.1 multiplier• If player and dealer is even, dealer gives the same amount back to player.• Players can double down , but gets 1 roll and if players lose they pay the dealer x2 amount of their original bet.• Splitting is allowed only if the players get the same number rolled. Player must give dealer the same amount to split.• Last but not least have fun and enjoy the Golden Banana

Chuck-12-Nana Rules:• The Esteemed Gambler May Buy up to 1 - 3 numbers from 1-12• Match the numbers to the 3 dice rolled• The Less #'s bought the Higher the Payout• 3 #'s Purchased [1:2] [2: 6] [3:50]Ex: You purchased 1-2-3!
Dealer rolled 3-3-3!
Your payout is your 1m for each # bought which is 3m!
Since one Number matched 3 times you get 1m +50m!
Total the dealer will pay is a 51 mil Payout!
• 2 #'s Purchased [1:1.5] [2: 4] [3: 30]Ex: You purchased 2-3!
Dealer rolled 3-3-3!
Your payout is your 1m for each # bought which is 2m!
Since one Number matched 3 times you get 1m + 3m!
Total the dealer will pay is a 31 mil Payout!
• 1 #'s Purchased [1:1] [2: 2] [3: 15]Ex: You purchased 3!
Dealer rolled 3-3-3!
Your payout is your 1m for each # bought which is 2m!
Since one Number matched 3 times you get 1m + 15m!
Total the dealer will pay is a 16 mil Payout!
Last but not least Enjoy your stay and experience at the Golden Banana this is our Game and We came up with it =D

Snap Rule:
• Your Desired Dealer will collect your gil and roll 2 dices
• The Esteemed Gambler may choose either it being 2-6 called Crackle• The Esteemed Gambler may choose either it being 8-12 called Pop• The Esteemed Gambler loses if the rolls add up to 7 which means all parties got SNAP =D• Simple and Easy but will you get SNAPPED?Last but not least Enjoy your stay and experience at the Golden Banana this is our Game and We came up with it <3

Deathroll:• Players goal is to be the last gambler standing.• State your Amount• Dealer starts the game by typing /dice 999.• The number rolled will then be repeated by the second player.• (ex. 800 was rolled, next in line player types /dice 800.)• whoever rolls 1 loses• Winner will roll first• If you want to bet the same amount type ! to continue• Have fun DeathRolling and good Luck

BAM Rule:
• Your Desired Dealer will collect your Gil and roll 2 dices
• The Esteemed Gambler may choose either it being BANANA 2-5-8-11• The Esteemed Gambler may choose either it being APPLE 3-6-9-12• The Esteemed Gambler may choose either it being MELON 4-7-10-13• Payout is 1:1• Which Fruit will bring you Gil!Last but not least Enjoy your stay and experience at the Golden Banana this is our Game and We came up with it <3

Arcana 13:
• Your Dealer will collect your Gil!
• The Dealer will Draw from the stars!• The Dealer will then Draw your cards from the Star and the rules play like Blackjack!• BALANCE IS 1 or 7
• The objective is to get as close as possible to 13!• 14 or MORE BUSTS so don't go over =D!Last but not least Enjoy your stay and experience at the Golden Banana this is our Game and Noel Yuzuriha came up with it to contribute <3